We finally travelled back to camp on Saturday, April 25. It seemed like a year since deer season, even though it was only 4 months. Everything at camp seemed fine. The leaves are about 3 weeks behind where they are back home. This year, there was a hatch of gnats (big ones)that attacked you as soon as you stepped outside. Hopefully they will be gone soon. The weather was unseasonably warm - around 88-degrees-most of the weekend. The stiff breeze helped to keep the bugs away, but it also turned out to be a problem as two forest fires were burning over the weekend. One started at the Petticote Junction Campground. It was started by a group of boaters who were throwing fireworks into the dry leaves. Another much larger fire was buring off the West Rim Road, but was contained by Saturday evening. This was the same weekend that the Bull Run Fire was burning last April. I'm hoping to get up at least one time for Spring Gobbler Season. I noticed a large gobbler hanging on the meatpole at one of the camps as you enter Leetonia. Someone was succesful.